5 Common Questions About Cleaning Cowboy Boots Answered

Cowboys are more than just a regular pair of shoes; they are a fashion statement, an expression of personality, and an investment. Your boots can last a lifetime, and they can with regular care. Most people wonder about what the right or wrong care methods for leather boots are. These common cowboy boot care questions get answered right here.

1. Are they waterproof?

No, cowboy boots are not typically waterproof on their own. They can be made waterproof with regular treatments. In the shoe section of most stores, you can find a silicone polymer spray. Spray this all over the exterior then let dry for 30 minutes before repeating the process. To keep the waterproof protection consistent, reapply the product every couple of months.

2. How should I clean my boots?

A bristled horse hairbrush is the best way to remove dirt and dust quickly. All boots, except suede, can be cleaned with a sponge and soapy water. To get the seams cleaned thoroughly, use a toothbrush.

Most boots can be cleaned using a sponge and soapy water.

3. They are looking worn-out. How can I make them look better?

Leather cowboy boots are meant to last a lifetime, but they get worn out like any other shoe when you use them a lot. Leather conditioner should be used every six months, especially if the material is cracking. Buy a lanolin-based conditioner and test out a small amount on the back of the boot. Wait a few hours and see how it looks. If it is much darker than the boot, then another should be used. Apply a thin layer and let rest for 12-14 hours before wiping off. Finish the protection with a coating of mink oil or mineral oil to seal in the moisture.

4. Is it safe to polish boots?

Yes, polishing your boots is safe and encouraged. Start by selecting a cream-based polish that matches your boot color. Then use a small amount on a rag or sponge to rub into the leather to create a thin coating. Another benefit of polish is that it restores the color of faded leather.

Be sure to match the color of the polish to your boots.

5. Can cowboy boots be repaired?

Yes, one aspect of quality boots is their ability to be repaired and last even longer. The shoes can be sent off to a bootmaker or taken to a local shop. Check a company or individual’s reviews before sending off your favorite boots.

Final Thoughts

With the versatility of cowboy boots, you can wear them for work or play, inside or outside. They are a functional wardrobe item that shows personality. And although they require different care than other shoes, the simple yet useful tips mentioned above can make your boots last for as long as possible. If, however, you can’t find the time to care for your shoes now and then, you can always opt for professionals to help you.

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